Even if you are not familiar with programming metatrader indicators by reading this article you will be amazed at what AI can do! Here we report the chat with AI FreeBinaryOptions: If I give you an MQL4 indicator with arrows with his script, can you tell me how many positive […]
MACD indicator and entry strategy The MACD indicator is one of the most used by traders. An entry strategy for binary options is also described in this article. You may be interested in learning more about the MACD indicator, and how to get an entry signal from it (MACD strategy). What […]
Candlestick patterns (or figures) are popular tools for asset analysis. By looking at different patterns, traders can spot potential trend reversals and choose the optimal time to enter or exit a trade. There are tons of candlestick patterns, as you will know if you’ve done some research, and this could get confusing. You’ve probably desisted from using them. […]
GC Options Day of Risk-Free trading These bonus rules were taken from the original GC Option website. Refer to the original GC Option page. “Day of risk-free trading” provides all clients of Grand Capital trading on Binary accounts with a whole day of risk-free trading! 1 General Terms and Conditions […]